Page 4 - alienHero HD-SDI Guide
P. 4

Ask the expert about HD-SDI...

There’s no question that growing popularity of HD TV and SKY HD
equipment within the general population has increased consumer
expectations. What they see on TV they expect to see the same
quality or better on their CCTV footage. I’ve created an outline
below of some of the key facts about HD as a basic introduction for
beginners and a handy referral to those already involved.

...What is HD-SDI CCTV?

HD-SDI stands for High Defnition Serial Digital Interface, but most
people call it by the abbreviation HD-SDI. In essence the main
advantage over traditional analogue CCTV systems is HD-SDI sends
video in a digital uncompressed format to deliver staggering picture
quality. Compared with a CIF recorder, our HERO HD DVR will
record 20X the image quality !! (See our resolution chart on pg 9)
The extra detail you can see on the video from an HD-SDI camera
HD-SDI can often lead to a criminal conviction whereas the analogue camera
High Definition Serial would have not captured suffcient detail to convict.
Data Interface Since many CCTV installations already have existing co-ax cable
installed, the upgrade path to High Defnition CCTV will be less
expensive by utilising HD-SDI technology rather than IP. Plus there
are other benefts including little set up or IT knowledge is required,
basically it’s easy to ft!
20x the quality of a
CIF analogue DVR You don’t need to upgrade every CCTV camera to HD-SDI at once
on a site. By say upgrading 4 key areas like entrances, exits and
tills with an HD-SDI DVR and four cameras you add massive value
to a CCTV installation without changing it all. However please be
aware because HD-SDI is a digital solution and traditional CCTV is
analogue, you can not mix the two technologies. For example, an
16:9 HD-SDI camera will not work on an existing analogue DVR and an
HD-SDI DVR will not work with a traditional analogue CCTV camera.
(For other practical considerations on HD-SDI see pg 7)

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