Page 2 - alienHero HD-SDI Guide
P. 2


This is a CIF resolution image.

352px 288px

Try reading the number plate & identifying
the facial features of the man.

Contrast this picture to the one on the facing page from the HERO HD-SDI. The car number plates are clearly
recognisable and so are the man’s facial features.
On a DVR that records in CIF quality, the image above would be effectively scaled to ft the screen and would
be blurred and “blocky” the number plates would be harder to read and the man would be less recognisable.
(See page 10 for an example)

To do this comparison of CIF to HD-SDI, each image has been scaled so that they are in proportion to the pixels
that they are recorded at.
The CIF image size is around 20x less than the HD-SDI format and you could ft around 20 CIF images in to the
HD-SDI one.

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