Page 3 - alienHero HD-SDI Guide
P. 3


This is a HD-SDI resolution image.


Try reading the number plate & identifying the facial features of the man. 1080px

The HERO-HD records in the same resolution that you would receive from HD-TV at home, this is 1920x1080 pixels.

So if it was displayed on a large monitor you get that sharp clarity and superb detail you require.
The image on the left is a comparison of what a standard CIF image would look like from a standard DVR
at 352 x 288 pixels.
To do this comparison of CIF to HD-SDI, each image has been scaled so that they are in proportion to
the pixels that they record at. So what you can recognise in one image and not the other is the “real world”
difference of a CIF DVR to that of the new HERO HD-SDI DVR.

The following pages explain HD-SDI  3
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